Hey there fam, it’s your boy Colt coming in hot on this lovely Martin Luther King Jr. Day. I can’t believe its already the 20th of January! I hope everyone is having a great 2020 and living in peace. Alright alright, enough small talk lets get to the choice of the week!
My choice for this week is Final Fantasy 7. I have been on a crusade for the past while to really crush my backlog. Normally I try to really grind through the games to get them done and credits rolling. This game has really halted that because I actually want to sit and enjoy my time. I want to explore every little thing and talk to NPC’s multiple times and look at every corner! This game is a classic and stood the true test of time. Don’t feel like grinding for 50 hours on an RPG? No Problem! You can enable a 3x speed boost to get through everything faster. You can also enable the limit meter to always be maxed out, letting you breeze through the game and focus on the story! Then, you can learn the true story of our little hero Cloud, but still get on and get the game done! The fact that it is on the switch and you can play portably is a nice factor as well!
This game is $15.99 on the Eshop. It’s a fantastic story that is a must play. Buy this game now and you will not regret it. I’ve never lied to you, have I??
So that’s it for today friends! I hope you guys pull the trigger on this retro classic and dabble in a little RPG fun this week! I’m signing off and as always until next time…. GAME ON!