Over at CNNMoney, Game Over’s Chris Morris has a few predictions for the Big 3 and others at E3.
Sony– PS3 pricing won’t be revealed, but the games targeted for the launch period will, as well as their new online network. Chris says that while withholding the price from gamers will cause frustration, it’s actually a smart media move. Doing so will garner them additional attention when they do reveal it, like Nintendo.
Microsoft– Though some 360 accessories will probably be debuted, footage of the next Halo is expected to show up and might take away some attention from the other 2 companies. However, the Halo game will not make it out before 2007. Forza 2 will almost definitely make an appearance. Gears of War will have a major presence. After than, they’re expected to talk up Windows Vista, its games, and their interaction with 360 games.
Nintendo– Nintendo won’t share the price and launch date with everyone, but they will reveal the Revolution’s true name. A good portion of the Rev’s launch games will be shown on-stage and playable on the show floor. Nintendo is likely to announce more partners for its virtual console. They’ll also let loose the Revolution’s final secret. THQ will be showing off 3 Revolution games on the show floor, one Sponge Bob, two unannounced.