[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHA9FS3D9vw&feature=list_related&playnext=1&list=SPD82D07630EAEA909 [/youtube]In an interview with zoomin.tv, Miyamoto discusses last year’s fiasco of a Wired interview and how he is indeed still working at Nintendo, and is in fact working on an original game. It is too early to tell if this new game will be on 3DS, Wii, or even Wii U, but color me interested. Anything that Miyamoto brings to the table is usually a good thing, so in Miyamoto we trust.
It’s hard to even speculate on what type of genre of game Miyamoto has cooking up at Nintendo HQ because, quite frankly, he usually creates genres when he makes games. If you can take anything away from the Wired interview it would seem that he is interested in working on smaller titles that can be completed in a short amount of time, so perhaps this project will be a downloadable set of games with a similar theme not unlike the Bit.Trip series.
What would you like to see Miyamoto bring to the table, and on what platform?