For some, this time of year is a sad reminder that your education is an ongoing process. For others, it might mean that they get a few hours of quite while the kids are in school. For me, it just means another month of my day job, my writing career, my work with the Horror Writer’s Association (not that it takes long) and my college courses (it took forever to convince myself that I wasn’t too old to go back). But it also reminds us that there are life lessons all around us.
Video games, Nintendo specifically, have taught me that the hero doesn’t mean I have to be a muscle bound giant like Mike Tyson. I can be a little scrawny guy, a plumber, and any other type of person. I don’t have to fight literary monsters with holy water, run straight into reptilians, or outwit gigantic female brains, I just need to dream and overcome. Nintendo, and the other systems, have been there for me since childhood to remind me that regardless of the situation I can get through it with a little practice.
So, for this weekend’s topic, what life lessons have you learned from video games? Is there a specific video game that has taught you more than another?