Earlier we told you about NGC magazine revealing Twilight Princess‘ compatibility with the Revolution and its controller. Now, scans of the article have hit the interwebs and they shed a bit more light on the subject.
- NGC is a UK mag, so when they said Revolution is likely gonna hit in November, it was meant for Europe.
- When you insert the Twilight Princess disc into the Revolution, you will be asked whether you’d prefer using the GameCube controller or Revmote.
- The nunchuk setup will be used, with the freehand remote acting as your sword. “Swing horizontally for a sideways slash, bring it down overarm style for a harder vertical strike, and jab it towards the telly to poke your enemies away.”
- You can use the Revmote for tasks such as rowing your boat, fishing, and riding Epona.
The controller uses they state come off as conjecture or guessing, but they know more than we do. We’ll just have to wait and see.
[Source: GoNintendo]