Hidden within a press release for The Legend of Zelda: Symphony of the Goddess tour was a bit of Wind Waker news fans have been clamoring for lately: a North American release date for the HD remake. October 4 is the date where we’ll finally be able to revisit The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker in high-definition. Sadly, no word in the press release about the rumored Zelda Wii U bundle, but ...
Yesterday’s news/rumor of a new Zelda game for the Wii U was not only exciting, but also brought back memories of my first time playing The Legend of Zelda. Honestly, I was expecting a Mario clone but was pleasantly surprised with the overhead view and the captivating music. I was hooked immediately. I think that one of my favorite things about the Zelda games is the music. The music is i...