If you have been listening to Infendo Radio you would know that I loved Resident Evil: Revelaitons Revelations. It is wonderful to have a meaty experience on the handheld that can suck you in for hours on end, or until the battery dies, whatever comes first. As a longtime fan of the Resident Evil series, I can honestly say that Revelations is right up there with Resident Evil 2 as one of my favori...
There is nothing I would like more than to have more games to play on my 3DS. I have had one heck of a time recently with Super Mario 3D Land as it has showed me just how much fun the little 3D machine really is. Ever since I got my hands on the demo of Resident Evil Revelations back in June, I have been clamoring to get my hands on a retail copy of the game, and it looks like it may come with a l...
Resident Evil Revelations, or the Resident Evil game for 3DS that isn’t a complete rip-off now has an official release date. From what I played of the game in it’s E3 build, I can most definitely say that this title will be something 3DS owners will want to have in there collection. Mercenaries 3D was a nice distraction and had some fun, addictive beat-the-high-score style gamep...