[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44Eu5U4CGGo[/youtube] With its October 6 release creeping up fast, Nintendo of America is beginning to roll out the U.S. advertisements for Pokemon Black & White 2 for the Nintendo DS. As a special bonus, consumers who purchase the game early will be eligible to receive Genesect, a newly discovered mythical Pokemon, which I or may not be familiar with. B...
Pokémon Black and White 2 are easily two of the most anticipated games of the year. Here in North America, “Fall 2012” will not get here soon enough. We may have a couple more months to wait, however Japan saw the release on Saturday, June 23rd. Sales on the release date surpassed all first day sales of the year, so far. With an astonishing 1,618,621 copies sold the games have quick...