
Infendo Radio: Back to school contest edition

Back by popular demand, Infendo Radio has returned. This week we have an all-star cast including Harrison, Scott, and myself to talk about all things Nintendo! This week we have a super special E3 giveaway as well. Read on to find out more! Top prize is a super awesome chrome Skylanders Spyro figure that is going for over $100 on ebay! Three other winners will receive perler bead art! See told you...

Infendo Radio: Afternoon delight edition

Another week, another Infendo Radio. Not much happening in the world of Nintendo this week, but we make the best of our hour together by talking about Smash Bros., Wii U, and so much more! Join us, and don’t forget to comment/rate us on iTunes! Be sure send us in your comments and questions to [email protected] if you wish to be a part of the show. You can also follow Essel, Harrison, and I o...

Infendo Radio is here, just in time for the 4th of July holiday!

We’re back! After a short E3 induced hiatus, Infendo Radio has returned. This week we talk about happenings from around the Nintendo-verse, and even delve into topics non-Nintendo related. Check us out on iTunes or just subscribe to our RSS Feed, but be sure to rate on on both services! Be sure send us in your comments and questions to [email protected] if you wish to be a part of the show. Y...

Infendo Radio E3 edition

So here’s the thing. The Wifi is terrible at E3. For that matter the Wifi is terrible in Canada as well (sorry Marcus!). For those reasons and a few others, our podcast was truncated this week, and we actually lost 10-15 minutes of the show. Sorry! Doesn’t mean that is still there isn’t excellent however! Think of it as cutting off the fat on an excellent piece of steak maybe. In...

Infendo Radio, the Starbucks parking lot edition

Today started off great. I woke up, had myself a little run, then booted up my laptop only to discover boom, no Internet. That wouldn’t have been a problem if I wasn’t meeting with a couple of great looking gentleman over Skype to bring you today’s Infendo Radio! But I digress. We have a packed show for you this week, and a few new hosts to boot! Join Essel, Michael, Thomas, and ...

Infendo Radio: The great start to your Memorial Day edition

Can you believe that E3 is already going to be just over a week away!? Crazy isn’t it? In a week’s time we will know almost everything there is to know about what Nintendo’s strategy for the upcoming year is. Next week we will have a better idea of what type of unique gameplay we can expect over the course of the Wii U’s lifespan. Excited yet? We here at Infendo Radio are a...

A wild Infendo Radio appears!

Where oh where has my little podcast gone, oh where oh where can it be? Well folks Infendo Radio is back, and this week Essel and Harrison join me in discussing all things Nintendo. Start your weekend off right with what is sure to be one of the best podcasts you have ever listened to!   If you would like to contribute to the show, you can email us your questions/comments to [email protected]. ...