Capcom announced Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies launches on October 24. That’s right — the expert attorney shall trump injustice in a digital courtroom near you a week before Halloween. Remember: Dual Destinies launches as a 3DS eShop exclusive priced at $29.99 USD/$24.99 Euros. Capcom chose to release the latest Phoenix Wright digitally to cut time lag bet...
If there was one thing that I thought would never happen, it would have been the Ace Attorney movie getting an English adaptation. Color me surprised when this morning I opened my inbox to find a press release stating exactly the opposite. Now all I need to do is find out where I can purchase some Phoenix Wright cosplay so I can do the movie premiere right! Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem as ...
[youtube][/youtube] First footage of the Japanese Phoenix Wright movie have hit the interwebs, and movie looks surprisingly accurate to the video game counterpart. If only I could speak Japanese because, yeah, this DEFINITELY not coming stateside. You can take that to the bank. Regardless, it’s pretty cool to see one of my favorite DS franchises give...
This sounds like a very early April Fools’ prank, but Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney is an actual game that Level-5 and Capcom are putting together for the 3DS. I cannot wait for those accusatory fingers come pointing out of my screen, even if we don’t have a clue about gameplay yet! Hopefully the game gets released outside of Japan. What do you think: Good idea? Bad idea? Awesome id...
Pretty sweet. Check out how Nick created them right here! Now I have to wonder if anyone will make Apollo Justice themed panties.