By Steve Peacock Link-A-Pix Color is a puzzle game available for download on the 3DS eShop. Retailing for $7.99, this is a very reasonably priced game. At first glance, one might blow this off as a simple Picross clone. This is very inaccurate from what you actually get. This game sees you on a grid. Inside this grid are numbers of different colors. The number itself represents the number of conne...
As stated my thumbs hurt and my hands are sweaty. I guess that is expected from a game like this. Having never played Super Meat Boy I feel like I did pretty well with this game so far. I really like the artistic style of the game, the controls are very tight, and the music/sound effects are great. As my lunch break comes to an end I would totally recommend The End Is Nigh. It is a great game for ...
I love portable gaming. What follows are my thoughts and impressions on what I’ve been playing during the week of JAN/2/2018 – JAN/5/2018 during My Lunch in Gaming. The End Is Nigh JAN/2/2018 I died immediately with this game. I made the mistake of starting the game without any volume on my Switch so I missed the first part of the introduction. I moved the main character Ash and touched the...