ExciteTruck was one heck of a launch title for the Wii – it’s a fun, fast paced driving stunt game that was missed by far too many Wii owners. It had great motion controls, more than decent graphics, and it was just fun to play. For those who missed out it or for those who just want more, ExciteBots is just what the doctor ordered – it’s everything that made ExciteTruck...
What’s the game called? Well, it’s top-secret so I can’t tell you. Locally Grown, however, has the quiet details: Right now, the 20 employees at Monster Games are working on a top-secret video game for Nintendo. They’ve worked on it for two years and are nearly finished. The process is so private the designers must darken their monitors when the bottled-water deliveryman en...
Jeff from Utah sent this photo in with a wink and a smile. I love this game.
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-_ghcin-uI[/youtube] In Excite Truck, I am a spin virgin. Never done it, not once. That’s OK though, it’s cool. This guy, however, is the Wilt Chamberlain of Excite Truck spinning.
In case you didn’t know it, Excite Truck is a blast. A fast, extremely high jumping arcade racer that feels completely new by way of motion steering and pitch landing. This one has also gotten mixed reviews despite its new form of strategy with several calling it a good game for casual players. Well I guess I’m a casual gamer ’cause I’m eating this thing up in droves. Bette...