Classic Commercials

The Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks Commercial How Nintendo beats other game advertisements with references of awesome

There is just so much going on in this commercial, its a shame that it’s going to be cut down to 30 seconds or less. How many Zelda references can you count?

Video Game references for An Energy Drink?

This is a very awesomely done traditional/sprite animation done by a team of awesome artists. The art was done by PersonaSama A.K.A. Jonathan Kim who did the traditional hand drawn art, and Paul Robertson for the sprite animation. This is all pretty awesome. I wish I had an energy drink that made life like a video game. [Via PersonaSama on Youtube]

The most Risque Nintendo commercial ever

What you are about to see is by far one of the most risque Nintendo commercials ever released on TV. It was released for one of the most notorious mature rated N64 games, that was developed by Rare. I have to say you will never see a commercial like this on TV again with Nintendo logo following suit after.

Classic Commercials – Doctor Mario

[youtube][/youtube] Witch Doctor Mario!? Ooooh Eeeeeeh Oh ah-AHHHHHHHHHH!