Every battery has a life cycle. Even rechargeable batteries start to lose their charge over time, and, while they will continue to function, their power will diminish. While most products can be recharged approximately 500 times before they begin to diminish, others will begin so slowly charge less and less, coming to a complete end at 500 charges. One of the major complaints revolving arou...
Everybody feels a bit of nostalgia at times. For many the NES was one of our first real gaming consoles. The love affair we had with it provided many hours of late night rendezvous and satisfying weekends. As the nostalgia overcomes you, the butterflies in your stomach glide you to the shelf that has collected a base of dust. the frowny face hastily drawn on the boxy beautifulness. Though...
Hmmm. Three to five hours…and that’s with online capabilities disabled. Sounds awfully familiar, doesn’t it? I wonder how Sony fans are adapting to the news. I’d like to send them all a card: “Misery loves company, guys. Welcome aboard the S.S. Recharge.”