3DS Pokemon

Pokémon Crystal Launches on 3DS Today

Pokémon Crystal is available to download today on the 3DS eShop for $10. Originally released for the Game Boy Color system in 2000, the Pokémon Crystal game added several new features to the Pokémon franchise. For the first time, players could choose a female or male character, and Pokémon battles featured animation. And now, this game is available in 2D via the Virtual Console service and invites...

Video: U.S. Pokemon Black & White 2 commercial

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44Eu5U4CGGo[/youtube] With its October 6 release creeping up fast, Nintendo of America is beginning to roll out the U.S. advertisements for Pokemon Black & White 2 for the Nintendo DS. As a special bonus, consumers who purchase the game early will be eligible to receive Genesect, a newly discovered mythical Pokemon, which I or may not be familiar with. B...

Infendo Radio 182 – Street Fighter gets Fit?

Alexis, Zac, and Sean are back to discuss the possibility of what could become the first real “core” title to utilize the Wii Balance Board: “Street Fighter Fit.”  In more realistic news, we’ve got a bundle of 3DS discussion with a light hint of Pokemon on the side. Check it: Radio Feed iTunes Feed MP3 Be part of the show! Email us, via [email protected], call the In...