Pokémon Crystal is available to download today on the 3DS eShop for $10. Originally released for the Game Boy Color system in 2000, the Pokémon Crystal game added several new features to the Pokémon franchise. For the first time, players could choose a female or male character, and Pokémon battles featured animation. And now, this game is available in 2D via the Virtual Console service and invites...
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44Eu5U4CGGo[/youtube] With its October 6 release creeping up fast, Nintendo of America is beginning to roll out the U.S. advertisements for Pokemon Black & White 2 for the Nintendo DS. As a special bonus, consumers who purchase the game early will be eligible to receive Genesect, a newly discovered mythical Pokemon, which I or may not be familiar with. B...
Alexis, Zac, and Sean are back to discuss the possibility of what could become the first real “core” title to utilize the Wii Balance Board: “Street Fighter Fit.” In more realistic news, we’ve got a bundle of 3DS discussion with a light hint of Pokemon on the side. Check it: Radio Feed iTunes Feed MP3 Be part of the show! Email us, via [email protected], call the In...