A couple of weeks ago, we were asked if we’d be interested in doing a write up on a Kickstarter project called Switchblades. I had read about this project when it was announced, and was immediately interested in seeing it in person. So, we responded, and Gravilogic sent us a prototype. I tell you this, in the interest of transparency. I would also like it noted, that where this is a prototype, it may be subject to slight changes in the final product. Click here for the information from their Kickstarter page.

Basically what these are, is a little piece of hand finished, very nice looking wood. On one side of this wood, it has a rail attachment that attaches to your Nintendo Switch, right where the joycons go when they are not attached. This does multiple things, which I will outline. One of the biggest functions Switchblades have, is covering up the electronic components on either side of the Switch, thus protecting them. A nice bonus side effect of this, is Switchblades makes the Switch look much more like a “Complete” console. Meaning, not as ugly as when you have the joycons off and the sides of the unit exposed.

The second, and far more important feature in my opinion, is the built in kickstand on each of the Switchblades. How many times have you heard about Switch users complaining about how flimsy and awful the built in kickstand of the Switch console is. Hell, one of our own has a broken kickstand on his unit. When the kickstands are fully deployed, the console sits at about a 45 degree angle on a tabletop. Not the ideal angle for playing with a small group of people in tabletop mode, but perfect if you’re sitting at your desk, or a dinner table, or something to that effect. But, this can be adjusted. You can put it at a very similar angle to what the Switch normally sits at, or anywhere in between fully upright, and that 45 degree angle. I do like the flexibility it gives you.

One thing I did notice, and this could be exclusive to the prototype set of Switchblades I was sent, is the left Switchblade’s kickstand was a little looser than the right. That did not hinder functionality in the slightest, but it does make me wonder how they will hold up long term. As mentioned before, though, it did not hinder functionality in the slightest.

To kind of wrap things up, I must say I was pleasantly surprised by how well Switchblades worked, and how nice they make the console look. I personally spend a lot of time switching between docked, and handheld mode, so I’m not sure how much use I’ll get from them, since I’ll constantly be removing and putting them back in for proper use. However, if you primarily play games in tabletop and docked mode, and not much in handheld mode, these should be a no brainer. I would highly recommend Switchblades, depending on your play style.