Ninja Gaiden 3 Developed With Fans In Mind

Ninja Gaiden 3 Developed With Fans In Mind

Team ninja, the group behind Ninja Gaiden: Razor’s Edge were, no doubt, excited about the creation of the game.  However, they knew that they had an uphill battle.  Many fans of the series were very vocal about Ninja Gaiden 3 and it’s downfalls, and Team Ninja knew they could not let it happen again.

“Everybody at the studio was pretty shocked. It really made us take another look at the game and why that reaction was there. One of the things that I learned was the power of having a series behind you, and what it means to be part of a series. There are existing fans out there, and you have to think about the people who have supported the series for so long, and you want to make sure that the game that you make appeals to them first, and satisfies those fans first.”, Said Yosuke Hayashi.

So, what did Team ninja do to correct their mistakes?  Well, for one, they listened to the fans and according to Hayashi, they realized that there were some key elements missing from the 360 and PS3 version.

“We left out some of the things the series was well-known for. We did leave some of our fans out.”

So, in an attempt to correct the issues Team Ninja revisited the game, and tweaked it to add those missing elements.

“We had this opportunity to put those hardcore aspects back in [Wii U version]. It’s kind of the hardcore fan package of Ninja Gaiden 3.”

Although the version for the Wii U will be essentially the same game, it is being described as “the definitive version for followers of the series, and will be the ”hardcore fan package.”

“The concept for the Wii U version of Razor’s Edge is for it to be its own action game, an action game that doesn’t try to be anything else. It just tries to be its best.”

“We looked at the game industry and how things were shaping up, and we felt we couldn’t get left behind,” he shares. “And we had to advance ourselves. And that was the idea behind some of the changes in NG3.”

“We re-examined what the series was, what the game was, what people want. We’re going back to rethinking what the series means.”


Have you played Ninja Gaiden 3 for PS3 or 360, if so would you consider buying the Wii U version for the updates?

Essel Pratt has spent his life exploring his imagination and dreams. As a Husband and a Father, he doesn't have as much time to write as he would like. However, his mind is always plotting out his next story. Someday he hopes to quit the 9-5 grind and focus on writing full time. Currently, Essel has three published short stories and is working on a handful of novels. Essel focuses his writings on mostly Horror/Sci-Fi, however is known to add a dash of other genres into his writings as well. In his spare time, he can be found playing one of the 40+ video game consoles in his collection, especially his Wii U (NNID: EsselPratt). Click the links below to follow Essel's exploits in the writing world, and be sure to follow his blog at as well as his articles on