Justin Plays Donkey Kong on Super Game Boy (Part 2) — Infendo Plays: Donkey Kong ’94

For Part 1 of Justin Plays Donkey Kong, click here.

No commentary on this series. This is just me playing the 1994 remake of Donkey Kong the way it was originally intended, on the Super Game Boy for Super Nintendo (no, not on an Xbox). I wanted to show off just how much better Donkey Kong looks and sounds on the device. It really was an underrated, underutilized piece of hardware. Occasionally you’ll see me swap between the special SGB color palette and one that resembles the monochromatic Game Boy screen just to show the difference. Also, notice the voice samples, full color maps and title screen, and (when I get there) the SNES-quality end credits theme that are absent on the original Game Boy hardware and the 3DS Virtual Console release. Video captured using SCART output at 800×600 resolution with an HDMI converter.

Make no mistake: We here at Infendo love us some Donkey Kong! The Donkey Kong series has topped a number of our top ten lists, Enjoy gameplay from this classic Gameboy version of the original Donkey Kong, as seen on Nintendo’s own Super Gameboy for the SNES!

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Justin started gaming at the age of three, on the family ColecoVision, then moved onto the NES, Super NES, and N64 before ever owning another non-Nintendo console. He is a fan of almost everything Nintendo, Disney, and Star Wars related. — He began podcasting about video games in 2008, as a co-host of the Game Nutz Podcast. In 2009, he started his own video game blog while working for an independent, hole-in-the-wall game store. Though he writes infrequently, he always writes out of passion and personal interest, and for the Infendo Radio podcast, he contributes a wealth of useless knowledge and off-color irreverence.