Iwata says Nintendo of America underperforming

Woe be Nintendo of America today, for Satoru Iwata is very disappointed in them. During an earnings call this week, the head of Nintendo lambasted his American brethren for the red headed stepchildren that they are.


When I received a report from the U.S. that they sold 1 million Pokémon Diamond & Pearl already, I asked them, “why did you sell only 10,000 Brain Age last week, when Europe sold through 30,000?” This is a typical example of how I communicate with our people in the U.S.

NOA, why can’t you be more like your brother? The video games industry takes a continual dump on Europe year-over-year, and it still outsells you?

In all fairness however, Iwata is probably just trying to set the table for a crazy DS/Wii 2007 in the U.S. Light a fire under some executives asses, you might say. I assume he smells blood in the water (or the competition hemorrhaging money), and wants to strike sooner rather than later.

Interesting note: Iwata also hints that future Wii Channels could come with a price tag attached. Horse Armor Channel, here we come!