Infendo Radio: Mother Brain Edition

mother brainSo as has been the case as of late, Skype has failed us this podcast. That doesn’t mean that there isn’t a podcast for you all this week, but it does mean that the very beginning (about 5 min) of the podcast was lost, as well as a bit in the middle. Sorry folks, we at the Infendo Towers are looking for a solution, and hopefully our next show will go off without a hitch.

This week we talk about Mothers in gaming, the EA/Nintendo debacle, and more!

To be a part of the show, be sure to write in with all of your questions and comments to [email protected], or you can comment, post in the forums, or hit us up on Twitter.

Thanks for listening!

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Eugene lives in New Mexico and has been a life long gamer since getting his hands on an NES. Always partial to Nintendo, Eugene has made it a point to keep informed on all things Mario.