Infendo Radio Episode 291: Mario’s Many Power-Ups


Welcome all to episode 291 of Infendo Radio, We have the full cast with Harrison Milfeld, Holly Fellmeth and me, Lewis Pugh with the full 3-set feature structure!

On this weeks show we have What we’ve been playing (covering Mario 3D World and Zelda a Link between worlds), Nintendo News, and our final feature: Mario’s many power ups!

If you have any questions for us to discuss on the next show or would just like to say Hi! add them to the comments or email to [email protected]

Wii U friendly link:

intro music:



Lewis Pugh is a game developer at Leuvsion ( for mobile platforms, born and bred on Nintendo gaming. Being a developer gives Lewis a unique perspective on Nintendo news, especially relating to the eShop and Nintendo Network. Today he plays Wii U and 3DS enjoying their distinctive gameplay offerings. Looking into what the future holds for Nintendo is always tricky, even with its established heritage, but that’s exactly what makes it so fun. NNID: Leuvsion