Infendo Radio Episode 282: Family Friendly Rivalries



Welcome one and all to episode 282 of Infendo Radio!

We start the show by discussing our stolen ‘best Nintendo podcast’ slogan. My own Co-Op adventures with Rayman Legends and a quick Wonderful 101 update. Scott Pratt, Harrison Milfeld and myself (Lewis Pugh) then talk the Nintendo News with updates and new Wii U games hitting Kickstarter. Finally finishing on a feature around Nintendo and Kickstarter.

As always please send your listener questions to [email protected] (my mail bag is empty!) and we will discuss them on a future show.

Feel free to add us on Miiverse:

Lewis Pugh: Leuvsion
Scott Pratt: EsselPratt
Harrison Milfeld: HybridMETA

Let us know what you think of the show in the comments below!


Lewis Pugh is a game developer at Leuvsion ( for mobile platforms, born and bred on Nintendo gaming. Being a developer gives Lewis a unique perspective on Nintendo news, especially relating to the eShop and Nintendo Network. Today he plays Wii U and 3DS enjoying their distinctive gameplay offerings. Looking into what the future holds for Nintendo is always tricky, even with its established heritage, but that’s exactly what makes it so fun. NNID: Leuvsion