It’s time, once again, for another Infendo Give-A-Way! This time, we are sponsored by
Two Lucky winners will walk away with a Retro Nintendo T-shirt, courtesy of
Winning is easy, simply
this post, share it with your friends, and comment below with your most insane Nintendo victory. Did you land on the flag pole just as time ran out? Did your friend’s controller come unplugged just before he took your last bar of life, resulting in you initiating a fatality? Or maybe you beat Contra with one life, and without taking a hit of damage (cheater)? We want to hear all about it!
The winner will be announced on Friday 03/01/2013 in a post on, and will also be notified via email.
Now, for boring stuff…
-You must live within the United States to qualify and win.
-When commenting, please enter your real email address, as we will contact you there for your shipping details (this will not be posted publicly).