Infendo: Calling All Contributing Ninjas [update]

Update: Some have asked what specifics we’re looking for, so we’ll do the best we can. See below updated text in italics.

In case you missed Infendo Radio #18, Infendo is looking for a plethora of site contributors. We’re relaunching the site with new writers, a new skin, a new platform, and new features and need some multi-talented ninjas to help. Here’s what were looking for:

  • Writers. If you got the blogging chops and feel like you’ve got the Infendo editorial vision down, speak up! Looking for daily news posters and feature writers. Must posses snark, humor, and personality with an ability to use good editorial judgment in what should be posted on the site. Quality control is key for relavent news stories, while keeping that “Infendo Charm” that Mario is always talking about. A weekly newsletter compliation editor is in need too.
  • PHP/CSS developers. Looking for skilled PHP/CSS (xhtml compliant) blackbelts familiar with WordPress tweaks, plugins, apps, phpAdsNew, and PunBB design/development. Ability to slice up designs in xhtml strict css. WP work: theme, sidebar widgets, advanced image uloader development (Blogger like), digg-like plug-in/app for user submitted stories, PunBB integration, promotional link app, phpAdsNew integration.
  • Other. Got ideas how to make the site better? Know your way around SEO and analytics? Pitch your contributing idea, no matter how far fetched to us. We’re all ears. Graphic and flash designers for Infendo ads etc would be nice.

Though all positions are volunteer (read: no cash), bylines, credits, t-shirts, belt-increases, and other assorted goodies are in order. To apply: send an email to [email protected] with your interest and relevant work examples. And for those with critique skills, post your thoughts in the comments below regarding current site feedback, and where you’d like to see Infendo go prior to Wii’s launch.