Have an extra $24,999 laying around? If so, you could be the proud owner of this entire collection of SNES games. The 721 game collection is currently for sale on eBay.
The seller, apparently, was going to list them individually, however it became too difficult. The high price tag may be out of my price range, and the seller understands that, so he is accepting offers outside of eBay. Actually, if the collection is sold outside of eBay, he will not be penalized with the 10% listing fee.
The seller has this to say about his collection:
I built this set to obtain scans and clean verified dumps for every game, which I have now finished. The scans are appearing on snescentral.com, and the improved emulation will appear in the next higan/bsnes release. I will be using 100% of the profits from this sale to do the same for the European and Japanese sets next.
This set represents three years of effort. From scouring every used game store in my home state, to bartering purchases from dozens of vendors online, to enlisting the help of everyone willing to search around their areas to find things for me, to donations of items that are impossible to find for sale anywhere, to hundreds upon hundreds of hours cleaning and polishing everything. I’ve never seen a set this complete before, and it’s unlikely another one will ever surface.
Although I am completely envious of his collection, I am not sure I would purchase it, even if the price were considerably lower. Part of the fun in collecting is the hunt. Finding an obscure game at a yard sale, in a bargain bin, where ever, is just more satisfying than buying an entire collection.
What are your thoughts?