EDGE Magazine has a few scoops on their hands today, delivered courtesy of Cubed. Rather than muck ’em all up with commentary, here are some of the big ones:
- CNN has signed up with Nintendo as the provider of news content on tne News Channel in American and Japan. News will be presented by category, but another way of getting to it is by spinning the weather globe to find stories in different countries
- Sega has moved a significant number of development staff from PS3 to Wii over the Summer
- Although Nintendo has removed DVD movie playback from the Wii, it plans to launch in Japan next year an enhanced Wii capable of such a feature
- Nintendo intended to bring Wii to shop shelves in the UK and US for £150 and $200, but became influenced by pressure from the larger retail chains, which raised concerns over margins and low so-called ‘basket value’ (ie, the amount of revenue generated from a customer’s overall purchases at the till.
The news also includes revelations that there are still Wii Channels to be filled, as well as a prediction from Edge staff that Wii Sports will be to the Wii what Mario 64 was to the N64. Too bad about that Sony part though, Sega’s a solid developer. I’m sure it’s not indicative of an overall industry trend at all.