Hey there, folks! It’s your favorite Colt back with his choice for this week! Without further ado, let’s roll!
My pick for this week is a little game called Animal Fight Club.
Now, this game is on sale for a little over $2 ($3.99 normally), and this game was picked up as a joke between Lukas — one of Infendo Radio’s fearless co-hosts — and me. The whole premise of this game is to develop an army of animals to fight waves of other animals with the purpose of gaining coins. You use these coins to buy other animals, or mix two animals together to create a weird half one animal-half another. It is a very simple game with a single player mode comprised of 32 levels, plus a random level generator, and a sandbox mode to test out your army and see how well it will do.
This game is very bare bones. No real story, just levels. No Multiplayer. Nothing extra but a week’s worth of a game. With that being said, for being $4 or under, I definitely recommend it. I got plenty of laughs from it between the animal noises, the mixes of the animals, or the the “strategic” battling you do. It will surely bring you joy for a week until our next choice!
So who else bought this? Are you having a fun time with it? Let me know in the comments section below, and until next time, GAME ON!