What is going on, y’all? It is your friendly neighborhood gamer, Colt, here with a very short and quick choice for this week that I think a lot of you are gonna really dig!
My Choice for this week is a glorious game called Exception. Now I’m not going to get too deep into this game (you can find a review here: https://infendo.com/exception-review/) but I will go into some top layer stuff to get you excited for it.
This game is a 2D platformer, where you play as a thread in a computer system that has been attacked by a virus. You don a sword to bring pain to your enemies. You have the opportunity to unlock more attacks, and each level is normally completed in less than a minute. Furthermore, the story really makes you think about yourself and asks questions that most people have debated in their own lives.
This great little game is $15. This entire week, I have invested plenty of hours into it because every time I turned my Switch on, that’s all I want to play. This has been the first game I have ever replayed levels in order to better my times, and that truly says something about its fast and fun levels. I can honestly say this is now in my top three 2D games, next to Celeste and Hollow Knight. I would argue this game could be double the price and it would still be worth the content. If you enjoy 2Ds or computers, do not sleep on this game!
So that’s that, folks! What did y’all think? Did you check out Exception? Did you enjoy it? Please let me know in the comments. It is always enjoyable to do this every week and I cannot wait to deliver another next week. Until then, GAME ON!