Hey fam! I’m back with a new pick for the week! Unfortunately this will be a shorter article as I am trying a couple different styles for this segment. If you have any comments or preferences as to how ya’ll would like to see this weekly post done, PLEASE DON’T HESITATE to tell me your thoughts! Now, let’s get onto the pick!
My choice is something I picked up Day 1 and am still playing (and enjoying) to this day. The name of this game is called Konami Classics Castlevania Collections!
This lovely collection has all 8 games in the Castlevania series as well as a digital booklet that includes all old manuals and artwork. I was born in the mid 90’s meaning I was past the time of Castlevania fun. I fell involve with the series in Super Smash Bros and the NES classic, then this was announced and I knew I had to get it!
Man, is this game fun. for $20 I feel like this is a slam dunk. It has given me so much enjoyment and appreciation for the series. The controls are very well done and I have sunk hours (especially on a plane) into this bad boy. It really is the perfect collection if you want to understand the hype for Castlevania, or just want a retro 2D platform that’s challenging!
If you have ANY nostalgia for the Castlevania series or you want to see what all the fuss is about, I firmly believe $20 is worth it for the retro fun you will have.
Thank you for sticking around. I know this was short and not a lot of detail and I apologize if you didn’t like that. Again, I’m just trying to see what ya’ll prefer so please speak out and I’ll gladly accommodate the masses! I appreciate you sticking around.