Another DS update? Gut reaction to this rumor (“rumeur” in this case) is “say it isn’t so” but again let’s look a bit deeper. This yearly update approach works for Apple and for cell phone manufacturers, because they have established, successful products. These updates aren’t aimed at people who already have a DS Lite, they’re aimed at fence sitters who were undecided on the DS Lite last summer. These are the same fence sitters who watched the DS explode in Japan (sometimes literally — exchange those adapters!), and weather the fierce U.S. market. They are interested, but haven’t committed.
Demand is at record highs, so why not unveil a widescreen version with an SD slot in late 2007? Or one that better synchs up with your widescreen-enabled Wii? One with its own Wii Channel perhaps? If a PSP update drops next year, this kind of move would be wise, too. Even if you have no intention of upgrading your DS Lite, how would you view this rumor should it turn out to be true?