Tuesday Tunes-day: Dance ’til dawn with these Nintendo tunes!

Scarecrow From Majora's Mask

Week creeping aloung slower than a Slaking? Need a mushroom or three to boost to Friday? We’ve got you covered – check out these 5 Nintendo tunes, and give your week a little energy. And don’t forget to check out Infendo Radio, or subscribe to us on iTunes!


Gamer by day, game designer by night - Lukas studied Digital Arts in school, and grew up in the age of the N64 and Gamecube. He's the youngster of the bunch, but that doesn't keep him from shouting out at every available opportunity on Infendo Radio. He often finds himself at the edge of counter-culture (hates Metroid Prime, loves Other M), but isn't afraid to dive into the next big budget AAA title with the best of 'em. Favorite game: Sonic Adventure 2 Battle/Skyward Sword/Ocarina of Time/Zero Escape 2/You get the idea