Infendo Nintendo 64 Giveaway!

Are you ready for another exciting Infendo Giveaway!? Back in May, we gave away a  NES, SNES, Sega Combo Console, but this time, we have upped the ante! To show our continued appreciation of our fans, and to celebrate my Birthday, Infendo has decided to give one of you a Nintendo 64! How can you enter to win?  Click continue to see…

Pac-Man Smash trademarked by Namco Bandai

Namco Bandai applied for a European trademark on April 4th for, what we can assume is, a game titled Pac-Man Smash.  There is no further information available at this time, but I am sure there is plenty of speculation out there. I am hoping, with the resurrection of such classic games such as Kid Icarus: Uprising and Myst, that the title will be released for the 3DS, or maybe even the Wii U.  It w...