Mike Antonucci from the San Jose Mercury News blogs tonight that Excite Truck got him, well, excited to play the Wii. This title is seriously shaping up into one of those tune in, veg out, and have fun titles. The longevity of that fun remains to be seen, but things are looking optimistic — especially on the local multiplayer front.
“The key thing to tell you: The control system worked exceptionally well. It’s as different as it can be from traditional control schemes, and I’m not going to make any instant judgments about how people will feel about it over the long run. But it’s a fresh way of playing and it gets the job done.“
Unfortunately, Wii Boxing does not fare so well.
“Also, don’t get the idea that I just love everything Wii. This week’s demo session included an opportunity to play the boxing game, and I didn’t like it at all. Never going to take a minute’s time away from my choice of Electronic Arts’ “Fight Night” game.”
Hardly a fair comparison to say the least, but it’s something to watch for. Maybe Mike really likes all those Burger King ads EA crams into Fight Night.